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Acceptable Forms of Payment:

For your convenience and to ensure a seamless shopping experience, we accept a variety of payment options. Our goal is to provide flexible and secure methods for your transactions. Below is a comprehensive guide to the payment methods available on ou

Why was I charged multiple times?

When you are placing an order on our website and enter an incorrect or invalid credit card number, expiration date, security code, or billing address, your order will likely be declined and you will be redirected back to the Billing page of the check

My credit/debit card isn’t going through

If the zip code on the billing address and card information field don’t match, our system will not accept your order. Here are a few solutions that have successfully fixed the problem:1. Place the order again with the same card but double-check the b

What is a non-sterling transaction fee?

If you make a transaction in a foreign currency, you will be charged a non-sterling transaction fee of 2.99% on the transaction amount. If you use your card to withdraw cash abroad a cash fee of 3% of the withdrawal amount or £3 (whichever is greater